The Rise of an Inventor: Ayomikun, a pupil in Grade 4.

, 19:46pm


Here is Ayomikun with his invented pen and Exercise Book

Here is Ayomikun with his invented pen and Exercise Book

As i was doing my duty by checking our Pupils notes from class to class, I got the latest shock of the day when I entered Grade 4. I came across a bag which was full of sweet sticks. Upon enquiry, I was told the bag belongs to Ayomikun, the Ass. Head Boy. I became angry and asked why a head boy like him would be gathering sweet sticks. 

Behold, Ayomikun's blue pen made of sweet sticks.

Behold, Ayomikun's blue pen made of sweet sticks.

He responded by saying that he got them from Subomi in exchange for the Indomie fliers given to them on Tuesday. When I called Subomi to ask for the reason behind the transaction, that was when I found out that Ayomikun has been a producer of blue pen since when he was in Grade 3. I Therefore asked him for how long it would take to produce one? But his mates all chorused " In an hour sir" I thus commanded him to produce it an bring it to my office immediately.  


The Rise of an Inventor: Ayomikun, a pupil in Grade 4.

Before I would mention "Genesis" here was Ayomikun with his self invented pen. I was surprised but happy for this great talent. I thus asked him that "what else can you produce?" and he said " I can produce an exercise book too" when I asked him for what and what he would need, he says just "a stapled pin". I thus provided one for him and the next day, here was Ayomikun with his newly invented book. 


Ayomikun's invented exercise book
Ayomikun's invented exercise book

Ayomikun's invented exercise book

Of course no one can just wake up to invent something, he must have been inspired. The little boy was inspired by his father, who is into printing and publishing. What a wonderful talent he is; a product of Fortune Heights Schools. Even his Mathematics workbook shows that this boy has a promising future in science and technology. We celebrate you today Ayomikun. 

From Fortune Heights, reporting 

The Rise of an Inventor: Ayomikun, a pupil in Grade 4.